Resource bank
Learn more about the possibilities and application areas of the Timegated® Raman spectroscopy.
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Whether you seek informative brochures, insightful application notes, compelling case studies, or engaging videos, you have come to the right place. Via these resources, we are offering knowledge and inspiration across various applications – dive in and drive success in your field!
Brochures and catalogues
PicoRaman M3
MicroPlate HTS System
Automated, non-destructive high-throughput measurements at a microscale.
Application notes
Downstream process of extracellular vesicles purification
Extracellular vesicles characterization
Monitoring cell culture media by Timegated Raman spectroscopy
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Rapid Milk Analysis
Timegated® Raman spectrometer
Launch video of the third-generation Timegated® Raman spectrometer with real fluorescence suppression. What is better in the new instrument?
High Temperature measurements
Timegated® Raman spectrometer does not suffer from background temperature, but can perform measurements also in high temperatures. See an example measurement with Tungsten oxide!
PicoRaman M3 and ProbePro Mini
Demonstrating the use of the PicoRaman M3 spectrometer and ProbePro Mini accessory.
Demonstrating the use of the SampleCube, PicoRaman M3 spectrometer accessory.
Demonstrating the use of the Microprobe, PicoRaman M3 spectrometer accessory.
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