Timegate News

FEM2017 in Levi

Written by Timegate | 30.10.2017 8:53

The Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining conference is a biannual event, taking place in Levi, Northern Finland. FEM is one of the largest and most significant events in the field of mineral industry in Europe. Timegate participates on FEM as part of BusinessOulu booth C23.

We are introducing Raman spectroscopy for the mineral industry at the exhibition. Raman spectroscopy provides a fast and easy-to-use method for mineral identification and concentration quantifications revealing each material’s unique spectral fingerprint, the Raman spectrum. SpectOre product family is based on Timegated® Raman technology. It provides reliable, real time mineralogical information – fast, accurate and on-line without any sampling errors.


Read more about the benefits of Raman technology in here and download a copy of the SpectOre brochure.


See you in Levi!