Timegate News

Contacting Timegate under the COVID-19 outbreak circumstances

Written by Timegate | 16.3.2020 10:59

Timegate is very concerned about the current situation with the CODIV-19 outbreak and we have taken measures to prevent the spreading of the virus. Our staff is working remotely whenever possible without disturbing the delivery of ordered instruments and service requests. We are keeping our core functions, such as product development, manufacturing, sales and marketing, running under these circumstances.

Based on the instructions given by Finnish authorities all traveling to abroad is terminated. Traveling inside Finland is considered carefully case by case. We recommend our guests to either reschedule visits to our office until the situation is over or have online meetings. We are committed to keep on running with the current projects and discussions with as little disturbance as possible without having our staff, customers and project partners put in danger.

We hope the epidemic calms down soon and we can continue life as normal as possible after the outbreak. Stay safe, keep distance (easy for us Finns to say!) and wash your hands!